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Hello and welcome to our site!
We are Kari og Jostein Susort, living i Sandnes, a city in the western region of Norway. We have been married for over 25 years and are parents to three beautiful youths.

Kari is a trained systemic familycouncellor and pedagog/teacher. 

Jostein is working in leadership among men, and loves to come alongside in conversations.

We love to spend our vacations serving with the international mission movement Ywam, doing mercy ministries called Mission Possible!  


It is most often Kari you will meet in the counselling room, Jostein joins on request from her, especially when she has conversations evolving around how to be a good father. 


Our name "Familyhouse"is a metaphor representing all relations in a home. A Familyhouse can be messy, and the people living there can experience stress and unrest that steals energy and hope! This is our calling: 

To help people reconnect with the Hope Available For Your Familyhouse! There is a LOT OF HOPE!


When you are receiving counselling with us, you decide what is first and foremost on your heart to talk about.

It is our privilegde to help you sort out and put your thoughts in system. As we see it, we get to walk alongside you for a while, so you get on track again and find peace! our goal is to help you experience future and hope again! 


We can help whole family groups, single persons, mothers, fathers, children and teens.


We build our work from christian belief and have a special heart to help believers that struggle.

 It is so good to belong to a democratic country where we can offer the values from the Bible as a cornerstone for our ministry! We cheer on and love young beleivers and their family houses.


We are now able to set up concelling to people living abroad and talk over messenger/zoom.

People serving abroad in missions we try to help for free, because this ministry is born from our mission heart. 




you can check out our prices/offers in the menu called Prizes/ Offers.


Please contact us through mail, phone or messenger:





There is hope for your familyhouse!





Vi er Jostein og Kari Susort, bosatt i Ganddal, en bydel tilhørende Sandnes Kommune i Norge. Vi har siden 2018 tjent som et godt tillegg til våre lokale familievernkontorer med rådgivning og terapi til familier. Vi har tilknytning til kristen misjon, og anvender Bibelsk tankegang omkring hjelpen vi tilbyr. Kari er utdannet systemisk familieterapeut, og arbeider for tiden med en mastergrad ved HVL Bergen der hun fordyper seg i traumebehandling. Vi snakker med mennesker i alle aldre, både enkelt personer og grupper. Vi er tverrkirkelige, det vil si at vi ikke er tilknyttet en spesifikk kristen organisasjon, men hjelper mange familier fra ulike kirkesamfunn og samfunnslag. 

Tilbakemeldinger fra våre klienter er at det er godt å bli tatt på alvor også iforhold til å ha en tro imøte med sykdom og utfordringer i familielivet. 

Navnet vårt -Familyhouse- skal speile at vi har et internasjonalt arbeidsfelt, og er en metafor for hjemmet vårt, altså familiens hus. 

Vi driver nettbutikk med ulike artikler som støtter familien. 

Til nå har vi vert i kontakt et stort antall personer både via enkelt samtaler og kurs virksomhet, og opplever gode tilbakemeldinger. 

Vårt slagord er: 



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